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Credits and copyright |
All images that except those listed under “Image sources” below were created by me. These images and the text, which was entirely written by me, are subject to the terms of the following copyright notice.
No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the author, except as follows:
It is not permissible to post any of these files on a publicly accessible web server. Exempt from this restriction are websites which can be accessed only by the students of a class that uses these notes and slides as teaching materials.
All the above clauses apply to all file formats of this document—currently HTML and PDF—as well as to the accompanying sets of PDF and PowerPoint slides.
Exempt from all above restrictions are several images that have been obtained from third parties (and whose origin is listed below). Please consult the originators of those works for copyright restrictions that may apply to your intended reuse.
This section lists the sources and the copyright situation of all images not created by me, as far as I have been able to ascertain them. These images have been used either with explicit permission of the owners, or under the following rationales:
If you have the rights to an image used here without explicit permission and credit, and you do not agree with its use in these notes, please let me know, and I will remove it. If you have the rights and you do agree with its use, I would also appreciate a brief note to this effect, so that I can give you the proper credit.
Right panel from Miami University digital collections. The photograph of this old piece of artwork should not be subject to copyright.